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New WhzApp Continence feature delivering a much-needed service update

A key part of anything we do is providing practical solutions to long-standing challenges – delivering efficiencies and savings in time, resource and budget wherever possible.

Our free WhzApp is continuously developing to provide an ever-growing range of creative solutions. New features always centre around a better connection between the individual and clinician – enhancing patient experiences, eliminating unnecessary admin and simplifying and speeding up processes.

Our new Continence feature is yet another example of this. It’s set to replace a series of paper forms, sent out by post to continence patients. This outdated system was not only slow but unnecessarily complex, costly and excluded a section of patients. The WhzApp feature enables parents and young people to record events as they happen with data appearing in the Whzan dashboard instantaneously.

The development was entirely funded by Whzan, providing a much-needed solution at no cost to the NHS. Our team took the time to speak to the service staff to understand the exact requirements – ensuring there was no need for the NHS to write a specification and tender. Our creative team transformed complex tables into easy-to-use features that were readily approved by the continence team.

The Continence feature has only been in use for a short time but is already having an impact on both the service and service users. It’s eliminated time-consuming admin, saved on postage costs and the patients clearly prefer it – hopefully resulting in a higher service take up and compliance.

“You have been so supportive and responsive and are doing everything you can to make this development a success. The service is clearly very pleased with the progress and we are all excited to start using the app.”

Laura Rogers Digital Nurse Specialist (Digital Transformation Programme) Sussex Community NHS Trust.

We’re extremely proud of how WhzApp is transforming the way patients and clinicians communicate – supporting care professionals in delivering the best possible service. There are plenty of more new features in the pipeline so watch this space.


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